About Jessie

My Story
Following high school, I attended Wilfrid Laurier University where I studied Kinesiology. While there, I volunteered as a student athletic therapist for their Men's Volleyball team, as well as their Men's and Women's Soccer teams.
Deciding athletic therapy was not for me, I attended Durham College's Primary Care Paramedic Program. Following graduation I was offered a job with Peel Regional Paramedic Service, where I've been "on the road" for three years.
As a paramedic, I value providing stability during uncertain times. I've always enjoyed helping people, and this allows me utilize my science background to help people in times of need. I enjoy being part of something bigger than myself, being part of a team.
Having always valued education, I decided to return to school to complete a Masters of Health Science at Athabasca University. This portfolio is part of the coursework, but also aids to establish a professional identity for myself. I hope to provide insights into paramedicine, as it is a very young profession, as well as how I fit into the progression of the field.
Following the completion of my Masters, I hope to complete another year long college program and become an Advance Care Paramedic.