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My best, and worst, call so far...


One of the worst things about being a paramedics isn't necessarily what you think it might be. Though we see some horrific things, we've been trained to act efficiently to get the patient appropriate care as fast as possible. The worst part is sometimes the unknown. We drive off so quickly, and transfer care just as quickly, that we don't register what happened until it's all over. From there we clean up and drive off, never knowing how the patient faired. This can leave us with longing and curiosity that we often just have to accept as a casualty of the job. But it's even worse when it involves a child; their whole life ahead of them. Will they survive? What about the family? This call in particular stuck with me. For months it was just another awful call, with no outcome and endless wondering. But then I got the email.

I'll let the video explain the details. But this is how my worst call turned into my best call; a lucky break for not only the patient and family, but a little reassurance for the first responders as well!



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